Optimizing your business with the most current technology


At eSquall, our world-class engineers are passionate about solving complex problems quickly and effectively. Empowering our customers’ business growth is our number-one priority, and we use bleeding-edge technology to develop world-class software and provide fantastic customer experiences. And what’s more, all of our developers have engineering or computer science degrees from top universities. Credentials like that are rare in this industry.

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Drawbacks of Legacy Software


While your company’s existing systems may have served you well in the past, we’d be willing to bet they haven’t grown with you the way you’d hoped. The software that once kept your business running like clockwork is now holding you back. Here are a few key reasons to consider software modernization and legacy software migration.

Cost of Maintenance

Like a beat-up old car that lands in the shop every other month, legacy software systems require significant maintenance just to keep them running. At a certain point, the cost (in both money and time) of maintaining the old system starts to outweigh the costs of starting over.


While your old system may have suited your organization’s needs perfectly when it was first installed, as your company has grown, it’s struggled to keep up. Legacy software is seldom built with enough flexibility and configurability to keep up with shifting needs — at least not without heavy investments and plenty of custom coding.

Security and Compliance Gaps

As data security needs have evolved and compliance measures have increased, legacy systems have become more and more risky — increasingly vulnerable to data leaks and security slipups.


Many older software systems are built on technology that is no longer widely used today — and by developers who are no longer in business. As such, businesses often find that, when they do want to integrate their legacy systems with newer components and systems, the old technology is incompatible with the new. The workarounds required to achieve the desired capabilities tend to result in fragile patchwork jobs that aren’t very efficient or resilient.

Customer & Employee Dissatisfaction

When legacy systems slow down internal processes, customers start to see delays in front-end interactions — and maybe even errors in fulfillment, communication, or billing. The result is weakened loyalty and negative buzz around your business. And internally, when employees have to spend significant time coaxing the software, they have less time and energy to spend on their “real” work, and they’re less likely to be satisfied in their jobs.

Legacy Software Replacement


eSquall’s dedicated team of software engineers is well-versed in helping our clients bring their systems up to date by replacing them in a thoughtful, methodical way that’s oriented toward business outcomes, preserves existing data and information, and minimizes blackout time.

Evolutionary Approach

While pulling the plug on the old system entirely and replacing it with a new one right away is certainly an option, we prefer an evolutionary approach to legacy software migration — replacing one component at a time (starting with the most problematic) in order to prevent disruption by minimizing the time your organization spends offline.

Data & Logic Preservation

Replacing legacy systems with new software is a delicate process, as so much data and process information are embedded in those systems. Our careful, systematic approach preserves your business processes and leaves your information intact.

Cutting-Edge Technology

While your legacy software may have struggled to integrate with modern systems, your new systems will be built using current technologies that are designed to play well with others and flexible enough to evolve with your organization.

Sleek, Intuitive User Experience

A key component of customer and employee satisfaction, as well as general productivity, is a system’s user experience. Our thoughtful designers create attractive interfaces that allow our clients to be much more productive, with much less headache.

Full System Integration

Redundancy is a key issue with many legacy systems — especially those that include many different components all stitched together. As we work to replace your systems, we also work to eliminate that redundancy, running every component off of one database to eliminate the frustration (and risk of error) that comes with employees having to enter and manage data on multiple platforms.

Operations Consolidation

Beyond data management, our state-of-the-art replacements for your legacy systems will automate workflows, optimize processes, and consolidate tasks, decreasing the time spent on busywork and systems management and increasing the time spent focusing on the core of the business.

Focus on Business Outcomes

Speaking of the core of the business, when we design the systems to replace your outdated software, our expert business advisors work together with your team and our developers to understand the business outcomes you’re looking for and create a solution that will empower your organization to achieve its most pressing goals.